lebontadipio - News 2024-01-15T11:51:27-05:00 lebontadipio 2020-11-17T15:24:31-05:00 2024-06-22T09:32:46-04:00 Hot Potato Hot Potato 🎵 Katie Bishop More

sweet potatoes thanksgiving meal

If you are in need of a Thanksgiving side dish or if you are looking to put a spin on a traditional favorite, you are in luck. Your next must-try recipe, Sweet Potatoes with Maple-horseradish Butter, is a melody of flavors. It combines earthy tones infused with maple, while the horseradish adds a peppery bite. This dish is a home run for any holiday meal. 

Low-fat? Check

Sweet & savory? Check

Nutritious? Check! We're here to bust the myth that sweet potatoes are a useless, starchy carb. Fun fact, they made the Clean 15 List (meaning they have a very low percentage of pesticide presence) and are packed with nutritious benefits.


 Control diabetes

Sweet potatoes are diabetic friendly because they have a moderately low glycemic index. A food with a low glycemic index slowly releases sugar into the blood stream. While sweet potatoes are starchy, their high fiber content makes them a slow burning starch. This means they are slowly digested while their sugar is slowly released into your blood stream. The sweet potatoes slow, self-regulating digestion helps monitor blood sugar in people with type I and type II diabetes. The gradual digestion also helps fight your hangry mood when it gets closer to your next meal.


Reduce stress

Studies have shown magnesium helps reduce stress and anxiety. Guess what food is full of magnesium? Sweet potatoes are an easy way to add this essential mineral to your daily diet. Lack of sleep is an immense cause of stress and, worse, nearly 50% of older adults suffer from lack of sleep. One way insomnia can be treated is through the mineral magnesium.

Stress can also cause high blood pressure and magnesium has been linked to reducing blood pressure.

Sweet potatoes are a great way to get your daily magnesium and they may also help with sleep issues and the stress that come with not getting a proper amount of sleep.

This vegetable is also high in vitamin B6 which has been associated with raising serotonin and reducing depression symptoms. Plus, they are high in fiber, which allows your body to retain and use the magnesium and vitamins in this power vegetable.

Here is a list of other foods filled with magnesium.


Fight inflammation

Sweet potatoes may reduce and prevent chronic inflammation because they have a high concentration of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Together these vitamins work to combat inflammation at a cellular level. Vitamin A coaches your immune system to slow inflammation, which is crucial in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. One medical study discovered Vitamin C significantly reduced inflammation in diabetic adults.  Eating anti-inflammatory foods, such as sweet potatoes, can prevent chronic illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, and slow premature death or disability. The vitamins in sweet potatoes make them a powerhouse in fighting pain and other chronic issues associated with inflammation.

 Let us know in the comments if you add this recipe to your holiday spread or if you have a vegetable dish we should try!


]]> 2020-08-25T14:30:00-04:00 2024-09-02T02:36:30-04:00 How Your Healthy Nutrition Plans Should Change as You Age Marketing Team More

By Guest Blogger Mia Morales

The best time to build a healthy nutrition plan and the habits to go with it is as young as possible, but even those who have had a lifetime of healthy eating will have to adapt and change these plans as they age. Children, young adults, middle aged people and the elderly all have different nutritional needs and knowing how to adapt your food plans to meet those needs can help you stay healthier for longer. If you are someone whose appetite reduces as you get older, then knowing how to pack the most nutrition into the smallest portion sizes is even more important.

More Protein, Less Saturated Fat

Lean protein is one of the best things you can do for your nutrition plan because it provides your body with the
building blocks needed for maintaining muscle mass without adding unhealthy fats to impact your heart health. Many seniors who try to reduce their weight and the strain on their joints, will end up losing muscle mass and bone density alongside the fat, so a high protein and low fat shake every day can be the healthiest addition to your plan as you age. If the shake includes vitamin D, then it can have the bonus of helping you better use and retain calcium for bone health.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals

colorful plate

A colorful plate, one that has a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, is packed with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. When you add orange, red, green and purple fresh fruits and vegetables to your plate, you are adding vitamins C, A, B and D as well as minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium. These things can help boost your immune system and strengthen your bones, eyesight and brain function. If you are not sure that you are getting enough of any one nutrient, you can talk to your doctor or nutritionist to find the right supplements or food items for your needs.

Portion Sizes

The United States Department of Agriculture has a series of tools called MyPlate which can show you how the five food groups should look at each meal as well as a daily serving size for each type of food. These tools are broken down by age group and gender to help you plan the best diet for yourself and your loved ones as you age. If you buy packaged foods or eat out, check the nutrition facts for meals to determine what a suggested portion is and how each item meets the nutritional guidelines for a meal or snack. This can help you better control portion sizes and reduce your intake of things like salt, sugar and saturated fats which can negatively affect your health.


Hydration is key

Drinking plenty of water and reducing dehydrating beverages such as alcohol and soda can boost your health at every age, but water is essential to maintaining the health of body systems such as skin, digestion and circulation as you age. It is recommended that you have six to eight cups of water a day, and that you have a water bottle handy while working out or running errands. Sports drinks, sodas and flavored waters can have added salt which can put you at risk for chronic health issues and make you retain water.

Specific Health Needs

Specific health needs, such as anemia or diabetes, will often call for personalized nutritional meal plans that are designed with help from your doctor or nutritionist. These professionals can help you identify specific meal ingredients and preparation techniques to increase your nutritional intake while keeping risk factors or trigger foods to a minimum. For example, someone who is intolerant of dairy, but needs to maintain bone health can leafy green vegetables and salmon, which are high in calcium and Vitamin D, as well as take a daily supplement to remain healthy while avoiding dairy products.

Your body changes as you age, and so do your nutritional needs. This means that your meal plans need to change to keep up. You can develop many healthy habits throughout your life to better adapt to these changes such as drinking plenty of water, reducing your intake of salt and saturated fats, and switching to lean protein sources. Your doctor or nutritionist can help you develop a plan for your specific health needs as well as point you towards useful tools, supplements and guides.

Mia is a devout fitness instructor, mother, and writer. She loves sharing her knowledge through blogging, teaching, and writing. 

]]> 2020-07-20T10:30:00-04:00 2024-04-17T01:15:00-04:00 Active Senior Years - Strength Training for Independence Marketing Team More

By Guest Blogger Mia Morales

Strength training is essential for senior citizens to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A strong body is one that encourages independent lifestyles through improved mobility and stability. Building up and maintaining consistent body strength keeps bones healthy, prevents falls, and even reduces the pain of arthritis. Before beginning an exercise regimen at any age, it is helpful to consult the family doctor or an expert in fitness.

Benefits of Strength Training in Senior Years

Strength training at any age is important for staying fit, but it is especially vital for those in their senior years who want to remain independent and free of chronic conditions. Senior strength training can reduce symptoms related to such chronic diseases as arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease, and diabetes. Utilizing a full range of motion trains the muscles in controlling the body while it is moving. Start slow and let results snowball as you progress. Perform movements that do not hurt and are even fun to act out. Stepping, squatting, jogging, hopping, walking, lunging, and skipping are all ways to move more.


In North America, slips and falls are among the leading reasons for injury and death among senior citizens. Strength exercises improve balance and boost confidence while moving about. By taking the time to exercise and to do some strength training, you are helping your body be strong in the face of the worst possible scenario. Beyond avoiding fatal falls, physical fitness assists in living a longer and healthier life.


Independence is important for anyone, but especially older adults who do not want to have to change their ways of life. Those that exercise regularly do not rely as much on others. With regular strength training, you can maintain the ability to walk about, bathe without assistance, cook for themselves, dress without aid, and independently use the restroom.

Beginning a Strength Training Regimen

Once you turn 50 years old, your body loses muscle strength at a rate of 1 to 2 percent per year. After 60, this goes up to 3 percent. Strength training assists in regaining the lost muscle. Exercise also slows the aging of cells. It goes beyond making seniors feel young and actually disengages the aging process of the chromosomes. Thus, you should strength train twice a week at minimum.


Lifting weights can seem daunting to someone who is just getting started. Weight lifting is just one way to increase strength, however. Instead, seniors should begin with bodyweight exercises. People who rush to lifting weights can sacrifice form and ignore biomechanics. Start with squats, lunges, dips, shoulder presses, step-ups, push-ups of some variety, and bicycle crunches. The push-ups can be on your knees or toes or against a wall or counter top.


From that point, you can begin to add weight with resistance bands or dumbbells. Also, strength work should be performed on nonconsecutive days. Cardio or walking should take up some time on the days in between to assist with recovery. This basic routine of fitness is important as it keeps the joints moving smoothly and helps maintain proper gut flora to help digestive machinery do regular work.

At-Home Exercises for Senior Strength Training

There are two easy exercises that active seniors should focus on. The first is the squat. Squats are valuable because they maintain a strong trunk and legs. They will provide confidence and power to stand up from a chair or a couch. Aging people lose strength in the butt and legs, causing difficulties in daily living. Squats fight against this loss.


The second main exercise is the push-up. Particularly for those at risk of falling, the motion of pushing upward is vital. If you strengthen your upper body and arms, you maintain control of your motions even on the floor. Combining squats and push-ups offers a well-rounded beginning to strength training for seniors.


To have a long, healthy, and independent life, strength training is essential. It boosts the immune system and the mood, both of which can suffer as aging proceeds. Strength training for seniors prevents accidents and makes those that occur less dangerous. Follow these guidelines to get started as an active, more healthy you.


Mia is a devout fitness instructor, mother, and writer. She loves sharing her knowledge through blogging, teaching, and writing. 



]]> 2015-09-10T14:05:00-04:00 2024-08-11T02:24:05-04:00 Common Measuring Mistakes To Avoid Brita Ericson More

Measuring for compression socks and stockings can be tricky. Here's our list of the most common measuring mistakes, which you can avoid!

  1. Do not measure late in the day
    Everyday our legs and feet swell. This is normal. For this reason, it is important to measure for compression stockings early in the morning to get the most accurate fit. If you measure later in the day or at night, you may purchase a size that is too big and will not get the maximum benefits of compression. The same applies for armsleeves as lymphedema swelling can increase during the day – measure in the morning!

  2. Do not estimate – be precise!
    Compression socks and sleeves are not a one-size-fits-all product. In fact, a size medium in one brand could be a large in another. Sizes can even vary within brands as well. This is why it is important to check the measurements. You may think you need to “fit” into this sock, but in reality there’s another one that matches your measurements better. If you find yourself between sizes, try another brand or style. You can also try our Size Machine to determine the what size garment you need. If you have any questions about measuring or sizing, you can call our customer service team Monday through Friday from 9-6PM for help. Try to measure in centimeters as much as possible for more precise measurements. This may help you if you are struggling to see where your measurements fall on the size chart.

  3. Do not try to take your measurements yourself
    Lets face it. We’ve all tried to carry in too many groceries at one time and ended up dropping everything. Sometimes, an extra set of hands makes all the difference. When measuring for compression socks or armsleeves, it’s important to have measurements that are as accurate as possible. This is extremely hard to do by yourself. Getting the placement right and bending at odd angles to try and measure your leg or arm doesn’t exactly scream “fun.” If you can, try and get someone to help take your measurements. That way you can be sure that you’re getting the right size without dealing with the hassle of returning socks that don’t fit. Our knowledgeable staff is available for fitting appointments if you would like help determining your size. All you have to do is ask!

  4. Do not guess where the measurements should be taken
    Medical compression sock sizing is based on the leg circumference. Knee high socks require ankle and calf measurements. Always measure the smallest part of your ankle. You do not want to measure over your anklebone. You do want to measure around the largest part of your calf. It is also important to measure from the floor to the bend behind your knee. For thigh highs and pantyhose (waist high), you will also need to measure around your upper thigh, about 3” below the crease of the buttocks. Some pantyhose may also require the length, your height and weight, or hip measurements. If you are measuring for an armsleeve, you need to get three measurements: around your wrist, right below your elbow and around your upper arm (just below your arm pit). Some brands like Mediven or Juzo will have you measure the length of your arm as well. When you are measuring, make sure that your arm is bent slightly. You will want to measure the outside length from your wrist to the upper arm measurement. For gloves and gauntlets, simply measure around your wrist, avoiding the wrist bone, and the palm of your hand above your thumb.

  5. Do Not Choose To Wear The Wrong Size
    Wearing the wrong size can result in more compression being applied than is desired. You shouldn’t wear something that you need to fold down at the top to fit your leg, or something that feels like it’s cutting off your circulation. This can be harmful and complicate existing conditions. Check for special sizing if you have a hard time finding something that’s comfortable. There are petite sizes, plus sizes, socks for wide calves and stockings made for longer legs. There are even compression stockings to wear during pregnancy, socks for diabetes and garments designed for men and women with sensitive skin. If you are really struggling to find a comfortable compression garment, don’t forget that customs are an option! Remember, sizing between brands is not universal. If you find that your measurements aren’t matching any of the size charts, try a different brand. Some collections run longer, some run shorter and others are smaller or larger. You can always give us a call at (+31)262843975 if you can’t find what you’re looking for or have sizing questions.
]]> 2015-06-04T14:50:00-04:00 2024-08-14T00:31:32-04:00 Beat the Heat with these Summer Health Tips Alex Makeev More

It is important to take care of your body, especially in the warmer months. Whether you’re heading to the pool, going camping or getting some exercise outside, we have tons of tips to keep you healthy and comfortable all summer long. Plus, check out some of the best skin care products and how to stay cool in the hottest weather.

The Basics

Hydrate! The more water you drink, the easier it is for your body to regulate its temperature.

Wear loose clothing to avoid overheating and to make you more comfortable.

Avoid salty foods to prevent dehydration and swelling.

Skin care is important! Make sure to moisturize your skin multiple times a day.

Wear compression stockings while traveling and take frequent breaks on long trips to walk around.

Stay in the shade as much as possible and don’t forget your sunscreen!

Skin Care

During the summer months, it’s important to protect your skin from the sun and moisturize frequently. If you have lymphedema, getting sunburn can damage your lymphatic system, resulting in overly sensitive skin. Make sure to apply sunscreen before heading out, but try to avoid applying it to areas covered by your compression garment. Suntan lotion can cause the material to deteriorate faster and can irritate the skin underneath the garment. You should also put on bug spray to avoid infections, cuts and discomfort. Try to use natural bug spray to eliminate unwanted chemicals such as DEET on your skin. If you do get bit, make sure to carefully wash and dry the area and apply a hydrocortisone cream.

“If you are going camping or hiking, be sure to take along a specialized first aid kit. The kit should include alcohol wipes to clean off any skin break, antibiotic cream for application on the skin, and bandages to protect the area.” – National Lymphatic Network

If you have dry or cracked skin, try using Remedy Skin Repair Cream. It is non-allergenic and great for those with diabetes or sensitive skin. If you are looking for a cream that won’t clog your pores, isn’t greasy and can be used with compression garments, try the Cutimed ACUTE Cream Mouse to moisturize your skin. It is perfect for people with diabetes, lymphedema or those with damaged skin. It is available in three different strengths, depending on what you need. For an everyday lotion that is also safe for compression garments, apply Medi Day Gel. This fast absorbing gel makes it easier to get your compression stockings on without the greasy residue.

Comfort is Key

During the summer, make sure to wear loose clothing to stay cool and to avoid restricting the flow of your lymphatic system. One of the most important things when you’re out in the sun is to wear comfortable shoes. Check out the new Dr. Comfort summer shoes for men and women. They are great for those with diabetes, plantar fasciitis or sensitive feet. They provide additional cushioning and shock absorption to keep you comfortably on your feet all day long. Nothing’s worse than tired feet halfway through the day!

Summer is one the best times for traveling, but it can also be the most uncomfortable. Whether you are flying, driving or traveling by train, make sure to wear your compression stockings! Sitting for long periods of time is bad for circulation and can lead to fatigue, swelling and more serious complications. If you are driving, make sure to use the air conditioning and stop as much as possible to get out and stretch. If you have lymphedema, try to keep your affected limb as elevated as possible. If you take a plane, the lower air pressure can aggravate lymphedema. If you have lower extremity lymphedema, try to get an aisle seat so you have more leg room and can get up to walk around more frequently without the difficulty. If you have lymphedema in your arms, make sure to carry a light carry-on or get a rolling suitcase to avoid heavy lifting. Again, make sure to stay hydrated while traveling!

How to Keep Your Cool in the Summer

If you have lymphedema, you know the importance of staying cool. When you start to feel overheated, try taking a cool shower and elevate the affected limb in an air conditioned place. You can also wrap the limb in a cold, wet towel and elevate it as well. To avoid getting your compression garment wet, the National Lymphatic Network suggests putting a plastic bag between the garment and the wet towel. This avoids skin irritation and damage to the garment. If you have upper extremity lymphedema, check out Lymphedivas. These fashionable compression armsleeves are made with moisture wicking fabric to keep your arm cool and dry. They are lightweight and are infused with aloe vera to soften and moisturize your skin. They are latex and silicone free, and made in America. To stay cool with compression socks, thigh highs or pantyhose, try an open toe stocking. This style is great to wear with sandals or other summer shoes.

It is also important to wash your compression garments daily, especially in the summer. Frequent washing is better for compression stockings because it helps to maintain its effectiveness and prolongs the garments lifespan. Regularly washing compression garments also helps to get rid of dirt and oils that can reduce the effectiveness of the garment and avoids bacteria that can cause skin irritation or other complications. Plus, lotions that aren’t safe for compression can cause the fabric to deteriorate faster.


Eating healthy is important for more reasons than getting the perfect “beach body.” During the summer, it is vital to avoid salty foods because they can lead to swelling, water retention and bloating. Instead of grabbing a soda and chips, snack on fruits, vegetables and nuts. Make sure to get lots of protein and to eat a big, balanced breakfast to keep your energy up all day long. Avoid foods with lots of carbohydrates and sugar to keep you from craving sweets and junk food. Eat 3-5 small meals throughout the day and make sure you’re not hungry. When you don’t eat enough, your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs and can lead to fainting, dizziness, exhaustion and fatigue. Most importantly, drink lots of water to give your body the oxygen it needs. Dehydration can cause you to feel overheated, so stay cool with a nice, refreshing glass of water.


The summertime is great for exercising and playing sports, but it is important to take it easy. Physical activities you do in the winter won’t affect you as much as they do in the summer because of the heat. Even though you typically run 5 miles in the winter, you may not be able to run as far in the summer. The heat can cause your lymphatic system to “overload”, which is why many people with lymphedema dread the summer months. However, the heat doesn’t have to prevent you from going outside and enjoying yourself, you just have to be more careful. Make sure to exercise for a shorter amount of time and to take a lot of breaks. If your arm or leg starts to ache, hurt or feel irritated in any way, go inside to cool down and elevate the affected limb. This is a sign that your lymphatic system is overloaded.

Swimming is recommended for those with lymphedema. Make sure to moisturize after swimming in the pool to avoid dry skin. Once you are out of the water, remember to put your compression garment or bandages back on as soon as possible. You can use an old garment if you want to swim with one on. Remember to rinse off after swimming and dry completely to avoid infection and skin irritation. If you have lower extremity lymphedema, make sure to wear shoes at the pool whenever you’re not in the water to avoid bacteria or getting cuts or scratches that could get infected. If you have a cut or open wound, it is best to avoid swimming until after it has healed.


Cool Tips For A Hot Summer – NLN
How to Wear Compression in the Summer – RejuvaHealth
4 Tips To Get Your Legs Ready For Summer
Protect Your Skin From the Sun – American Cancer Society
Diabetes and Summer Safety Tips
Sigvaris Hypoallergenic Skin & Foot Cream
7 Critical Precautions for Summer if You Have Diabetes
How to Prevent Skin Cancer – American Cancer Society