lebontadipio - News 2024-01-15T11:51:27-05:00 lebontadipio 2023-01-09T10:41:43-05:00 2024-09-14T06:20:31-04:00 How One Young Woman Manages Living with Multiple Health Challenges Stephanie Sorentino Breanna Delrow, how one young woman manages living with multiple health challenges

Written by Jennifer Edmondson and Teresa Iattoni with Breanna Delrow

People who live with multiple health issues know how debilitating and unrelenting those challenges can be. Jennifer Lee Edmondson, JD, founder of Health, Education & Welfare, a Wisconsin nonprofit, and one half of the Lymphatic Duo, was 50 years old when she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. But by then, she was an adult ‘of a certain mature age’, and had experienced numerous other life challenges in the decades before her diagnosis, which she concedes still did not fully prepare her for the physical and emotional trauma that awaited her.


But what about young people who must face lifelong, multiple health challenges, but have not had the benefit of decades of life experience? Those challenges can impose extra burdens on young people, and can be more difficult and complicated than those faced by mature adults. In an article published in Psychology Today, author Toni Bernard wrote that young people facing chronic illness or multiple health challenges carry several extra burdens, especially when their conditions are not open and obvious.1 Those extra burdens include:

• Being treated as if their health issues can’t possibly be chronic.
• Being told, “You’re too young to be in pain.”
• Worrying that they’ll never find a romantic partner.
• Not being able to complete their education or professional goals.
• Sitting by and watching others their age participate in activities that are out of reach for them.
• Being stigmatized by others.
• Worrying about the future.

The good news is, there is always hope. Every new day provides us with a new opportunity for making good things happen. Here, the Lymphatic Duo - Jennifer and Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLS, CES, share Breanna’s story, and useful tips on how to manage living with multiple health challenges.

Breanna is a recipient of HEW’s Compression Garment Fund Program. lebontadipio is the Catalyst Level supporter, an integral part of making the program possible. A licensed certified nursing assistant (CNA), Breanna is also a longtime patient of Teresa’s. The Lymphatic Duo marvel at the fortitude with which Breanna has faced her multiple health challenges.

Recently Jennifer had the chance to talk with Breanna, who was gracious in her openness and willingness to share her struggles and the insights she’s gained from them. It’s clear that this remarkable young woman is forging ahead and doing her utmost to live life to the fullest.

Tell us about the health conditions you have, which require you to wear compression garments.
I was diagnosed my sophomore year of high school with primary Lymphedema of my right leg, and in June of 2021 with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) of my right arm. The official DVT diagnosis is a form of a bleeding disorder called PAI-1, which causes the body to clot, and which has caused four clots in my arm. The clots have damaged the valves in my veins which have caused the swelling of the arm.

How have these conditions affected your every day life – physical functioning, as well as emotional functioning?
My conditions have been damaging to my physical health in a variety of ways. First, is needing to wear garments. Garments/swelling can make it difficult to do everyday things as you have to be mindful of when you have on your garments and when you are providing self-care for swelling, such as having to do self-wrapping of my leg and my arm. Self-wrapping is never easy to do by yourself, because it’s hard to get the right level of compression, especially if you have to wrap your arm. Trying to tape my arm with kinesiotape is very difficult also.
I’m on blood thinners, which make it more difficult to enjoy life as you have to be a lot more cautious. Being on blood thinners and my PAI-1 diagnosis, if I bump my leg or arm, I can end up bleeding into my joint, which puts me at a high risk for forming blood clots. If I happen to bump my head, there’s the risk of sustaining a serious head bleed.
All of these things cause emotional difficulties as you are constantly worrying about the risk of injury, swelling, preparing for it, and worrying about your medical appointments and care. These worries are always on my mind. It’s hard to switch off that switch and not be worrying about what might happen to me.

Do these health conditions prevent you from doing anything you either used to do, or would like to do? Do they limit your ability to do things?
Yes. These health conditions prevent me from doing the sports/working out that I used to do. For instance, I used to play basketball and softball in school, which I really enjoyed. I used to run for exercise, and roller blade. Now I can’t do any of these things, because of the high risk of hurting myself. A ‘minor bump’ for others is actually a serious danger to me.
My health conditions also prevent me from being outside for too long, because the heat causes swelling. And the blood thinners prevent me from doing anything considered too dangerous, because I have to be extra cautious - such as hiking, water sports, riding a bike, exercising on a treadmill, riding a scooter.

What has been the effect on your emotional well-being?
This has caused me a great deal of anxiety: constant worry about when am I going to swell up, which doctors do I need to see, how I will pay for my healthcare and treatment, will it get better, will it get worse, etc. This anxiety feels overwhelming. I have suffered from panic attacks, and I’m on medication. But even with medication I still have about three panic attacks per week. When I start feeling a panic attack coming, I use a technique my therapist taught me, the 5-4-3-2-1 method. Five things you see, four you feel, three things you hear, two things you smell, and one thing taste. It grounds you back into reality as to what’s really going on around you at the moment. This has been very effective for me, sometimes I need to repeat this technique, but it seems to be the most effective.

Have you felt stigmatized because of your medical conditions?
Yes. Because people don’t understand that I have chronic illnesses, not like a flu that I’ll get better from. I’ve experienced stigma in my personal and professional life, people not accepting that my medical conditions will never go away.

How do you deal with those effects on your emotional well-being?
To help with my anxiety I find therapy, my religious faith, and community to be the most helpful. I don’t know where I would be without these three things. Therapy helps me to break down what is happening in my life and provide helpful coping strategies to manage it. My religious faith is my comfort. And community is a constant support in a variety of ways, because I learned I cannot do it alone. My community includes my small groups through church, my close-knit friends who I can lean on and talk to. They understand my medical conditions and I feel open to talk to them. My friends have become my family. And I have co-workers who have become very good friends.

What insights have you gained through all of this?
I have learned to trust more in the Lord during the hardest struggles. I have learned more of what others with chronic illness go through, and how to make it through. And I have gained a great deal of medical knowledge as I navigate through my own medical struggles.
What would you like to tell readers or wish that they would know?
I would want people to have grace. Some days are better than others, and you just have to take it day by day. But we are normal regular people who just have a different battle than they do.

What advice do you have for people, especially young people, who are also facing health challenges?
To any young person with health issues, I would just say that these challenges are surmountable. Surround yourself with a good community because you cannot do it alone. And if it gets overwhelming, ask for help. There are people all around you that want to help and don’t know how. Tell them what you need. Be your own best advocate. You’re worth fighting for.

What compression garments have you used in the past, and are you still using any?
It’s important to remember to get properly measured and fitted for compression garments, and having a healthcare professional, like a certified Lymphedema therapist, prescribe or recommend which compression garment is right for you. If you wear a compression garment that is too tight, you can make your condition worse and run the risk of causing permanent damage. My certified Lymphedema therapist measured me, and made recommendations. I always used Jobst for my leg. And for my arm I have used Jobst, Juzo, and LympheDIVAS. I have to wear compression arm sleeves every day, because my vein valves in my arm are permanently damaged and my arm and hand will swell up. My doctors have advised that there is no cure, and no fix for my condition. I have to live with this for the rest of my life. So wearing compression arm sleeves every day is essential for me.

Tell us about your work life. You’re starting your own business, right?
After graduating high school, I went into CNA work. I did that until 2021. After that I did secretarial work. Currently I work at a coffee shop, and I’ve started my own business, Special Memories Homecare, providing individualized and personalized in-home care. My clients include people who are homebound, elderly, and people living with Dementia. My goal is to operate my business on a full-time basis in the near future.

You previously worked for a large healthcare system. Did your employer’s health insurance or their private foundation provide you with any assistance for your compression garments?
My health insurance covered my Lymphedema therapy, and I was able to have quality therapy. But most of my insurances did not cover compression garments, or they did not provide enough coverage. Though that healthcare system does have a multi-million dollar private foundation that is described as helping patients, they do not provide any assistance for compression garments. So fortunately, I found HEW’s Compression Garment Fund program.

How has HEW’s Compression Garment Fund Program helped?
The fund has helped my significantly! It has helped me get my medically necessary compression garments, and to get them right away so that my care wasn’t delayed. HEW also helped me with gaining extensive knowledge about Lymphedema through their Advances in Lymphedema Care conferences, where they brought in experts in Lymphedema, and representatives of companies that make Lymphedema products.
I think the Fund is a brilliant thing, because compression garments aren’t always covered, and they are not cheap. It always benefits patients to not have to worry about making the decision of taking money out of their budget vs. not wearing their garments. It provides comfort knowing you are taken care of.

Share with us your future hopes and dreams.
I’ve started my own business providing in-home care for people looking to age at home. Unfortunately, my health concerns removed me from my old dreams of becoming a nurse, due to the lifting restrictions. But now I have bigger dreams and I’m still able to pursue my dream of caring for people and providing excellent care, this time just in their homes. And as my own boss.
Teresa’s Tips.

Here are some simple and easy tips, from Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLS, CES, of the Lymphatic Duo, for coping with and managing multiple health challenges:

1. Be your own advocate. In our current healthcare environment, it is imperative for each patient to be their own advocate. Breanna, at a very young age, intuitively knew the importance of gaining knowledge about her condition and fearlessly asking questions of her providers. By doing this, Breanna empowered herself to becoming her best self-advocate.

2) Build your medical A-Team. A critical step in maximizing a patient's care is the formation of a great team of professionals. A team that critically analyzes the patient's needs (which means professionals who will actually listen to the patient), and provides evidence-based care in a patient-centric fashion is the ideal.

3) Tend to your emotional/spiritual health. The connection between the mind, sprit and body is very important to overall well-being. Breanna has gone through multiple medical challenges and her faith has played an important role in guiding her, and helping her to remain optimistic in the face of adversity.

4) Listen to your body’s signs, and act on them quickly. Listening to your body is imperative to addressing early symptoms of infections (such as cellulitis) or DVTs. Symptoms of infections include: redness, rash, warmth, fever, chills, pain, and wounds. DVTs: predisposing risk factor (travel, surgery, clotting disorders), pain, swelling, warmth, and discoloration.

Health, Education & Welfare was very happy to have been able to help Breanna to obtain her medically necessary compression garments. HEW was able to provide Breanna with garments almost immediately after receiving her application, through their Donated Garments Program, in which brand new, unused compression garments were donated by lebontadipio. According to Jennifer, HEW’s founder and CEO, “We created The Compression Garment Fund Program to fill a need that was not being met. We are still the first and only program in Wisconsin helping people to obtain their medically necessary compression garments. I feel compelled to say that it’s shameful that in this day and age, there are so many healthcare systems that will not help their patients to obtain their compression garments. No one should have to go without compression garments that are medically necessary to maintain good health.”

The challenges facing young people with multiple health concerns are frequently overwhelming and disheartening. As Breanna stated, the reality is each of us has our own ‘normal’, and we must find ways to accept that reality, and find ways to not let those challenges get in our way. Finding good friends (especially those who also face similar challenges) and healthcare providers is a good start. Remember, as Breanna said, “You are not alone.”

Breanna continues to face her many challenges, on a daily basis, and acknowledges that some days will be better than others. But she works hard to keep her focus on living the best life possible. Hers is an example of what can be accomplished through one’s own efforts – seeking out accurate information about one’s conditions, seeking out and surrounding ourselves with a good support team (medical professionals and social support), and learning to listen to our own bodies when there’s something ‘not quite right’. We all recognize that what Breanna has accomplished has been the result of a great deal of effort and hard work on her part.

Breanna’s story is an excellent example of how one young person, facing multiple health challenges, is finding ways to manage those challenges, and to pursue her interests and life goals the best she can. She’s successfully doing it. And so can you!



1 Bernard, Toni, “The Extra Burdens Faced by Young People with Chronic Illness”, Psychology Today, March4, 2014,

]]> 2022-08-01T10:13:29-04:00 2024-07-26T01:40:12-04:00 Perspectives from the Lymphatic Duo - What we wish you knew Stephanie Sorentino Jennifer Edmondson and Teresa Iattoni

Written by Jennifer Edmondson and Teresa Iattoni

Chances are, unless you or a loved one has Lymphedema, you might not have ever heard of this serious and potentially life-threatening disease. Jennifer Edmondson, JD, a secondary Lymphedema survivor, and Teresa Iattoni, DPT, CLT, CES, certified Lymphedema therapist, begin a new series of articles about Lymphedema, and share important information and valuable insights from the perspectives of a Lymphedema survivor, and a healthcare professional specializing in Lymphedema care.

Tell us about yourselves.

Jennifer: I’d never heard of Lymphedema before my diagnosis, which followed my surgeries and treatments for metastatic breast cancer. I feel fortunate that Teresa has been my certified Lymphedema therapist for the past 11 years.
I’m a Wisconsin attorney, small business owner with my husband John, mom to Catie, and founder and CEO of Health, Education & Welfare (HEW), a nonprofit that provides new and innovative programs and services relating to Lymphedema. HEW’s Advances in Lymphedema Care conference is Wisconsin’s first and only Lymphedema conference for survivors and healthcare professionals, providing direct access to Lymphedema experts and national manufacturers of Lymphedema products. Teresa is the conference mastermind.
In 2019, HEW established The Compression Garment Fund, which is Wisconsin’s first and only financial aid program helping Lymphedema survivors obtain their medically necessary compression garments. The Fund was started after Teresa raised awareness of the lack of coverage by private insurance, Medicare, and healthcare systems. Since 2019, HEW has provided over $6,000 in compression garments to Lymphedema survivors in need. lebontadipio has been our Catalyst level supporter helping to make The Fund possible.

Teresa: I became a “lymphomaniac” in 2004, when I attended my first Lymphedema continuing education class. After my first experience of learning and treating individuals impacted by Lymphedema, I was hooked and have attended basic and advanced training in the Leduc Method of Lymphedema Management, national and international Lymphedema conferences, and multiple virtual educational events. I completed my transitional doctoral degree in physical therapy in 2020. I view participating in continuing education as inspiring. It has been my pleasure to work with Jennifer in planning and presenting HEW’s Advances in Lymphedema Care conferences. Currently, I work providing care for cancer survivors, patients diagnosed with orthopedic conditions and/or Lymphedema, and have a special interest in all things equestrian.

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema has been defined as an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in an individual’s tissue spaces3. It’s a potentially life-threatening disease of our bodies’ lymphatic system, which is an essential part of our immune system. There is no known cure for Lymphedema. Once you have it, you have it for the rest of your life. And left unmanaged and uncontrolled, Lymphedema can cause permanent damage to the immune system, lead to illness, pain and suffering requiring hospitalization, and possibly death.

Lymphedema affects an estimated 10 million Americans – more than the combined totals of Americans living with AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer’s, MS, Muscular Dystrophy, and Parkinson’s1, and nearly 250 million worldwide3a. Yet the general public is relatively unaware of the disease, and healthcare providers who do not specialize in Lymphedema tend to lack accurate information, such as how to recognize the early signs.

When our lymphatic system works the way it’s supposed to work, we barely notice what’s happening – we don’t feel it working. It just does. The lymphatic system includes: a large vascular system which travels throughout the entire body, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow2. The function of the lymphatic system consists of the following; 1) regulation of fluid balance, 2) transportation of immune cells, 3) removal of waste materials and destroyed bacteria, which are then processed by the kidneys or liver, and 4) fat cell digestion in the intestines2. In general, the lymphatic system keeps every thing in balance, fights infection, and cleans out waste materials.

Image source: National Cancer Institutes. Lymphatic System.

Why did it happen to me?

People are either born with Lymphedema (primary Lymphedema), or develop secondary Lymphedema after sustaining a traumatic injury to the body or having surgery and treatment for cancer. In fact, approximately 68% of secondary Lymphedema patients are diagnosed following treatment for cancer4. Factors that increase an individual’s risk of developing Lymphedema include:
• an elevated body mass index above 30
• removal of lymph nodes
• Taxane chemotherapy
• radiation therapy5

Of the individuals who will be diagnosed with secondary Lymphedema, 80% have developed Lymphedema during the first 3 years after cancer treatments6. Although the highest percentage of cases occurs in those first years, secondary Lymphedema risk is life-long. Breast cancer survivors who have experienced a skin infection, on the arm or breast, on the same side from which of lymph nodes were removed have been found to have an associated onset of Lymphedema7.

Jennifer: I had three of the four factors listed above. I had all left axillary lymph nodes removed; Taxane was one of the three chemo drugs I got; I had radiation therapy. My Lymphedema symptoms appeared after my reconstruction surgery.
Teresa: Over the last 24 years of being a physical therapist, it has become evident to me that addressing any symptoms early results in better overall outcomes. My patients who were able to initiate Lymphedema management in the first month after initial symptoms have been able to achieve improved size of their involved body region, minimize risk for skin infections and other complications associated with untreated Lymphedema. If you have not been able to receive treatment in that first month, don’t give up…I have had multiple patients who have not had treatment for years who have had excellent results with comprehensive Lymphedema treatment.

What are the signs I might have Lymphedema?

At the first signs of the symptoms listed below, you should contact your medical provider as soon as possible. Ideally, you should be examined by a certified Lymphedema therapist or medical professional who is trained and specializes in Lymphedema Management. The symptoms are:
• A feeling of heaviness or tightness in the limbs or other body part
• increased size in the limb or other body part
• clothing or jewelry feels tighter than usual
• aching in the swollen region
• fever
• the limb or other body part is hot to the touch, and the skin has a blotchy redness

It’s possible that these symptoms could be caused by other conditions (not Lymphedema), which is why it’s important to seek out medical care as soon as possible. Examples of other conditions that can cause swelling include: venous insufficiency/varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, blood clots, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, kidney disease, gout, and allergic reactions.

Does early detection and early treatment of Lymphedema matter?

Yes! Starting treatments early (ideally in the first weeks after first symptoms) for Lymphedema has been found to be imperative to decrease the severity of symptoms and potentially prevent permanent Lymphedema. Traditionally, Lymphedema treatments are provided by occupational and physical therapists who have received advanced training and certification to provide manual lymphatic drainage, multi-layer bandaging, fit and recommend appropriate Lymphedema garments/pumps/bandaging supplies, education in appropriate risk reduction practices, and home exercise programs.

Teresa: Early detection, intervention, and treatment are incredibly important to a patient’s quality of life. For instance, the best chance to resolve Lymphedema is addressing it during the initial stages within the first month of symptoms. I believe knowledge is power, and if at all possible, if an individual is at risk of Lymphedema, ask your provider for a referral for education and risk reduction strategies. If your medical provider is not comfortable with that plan, monitor your symptoms of heaviness, aching, fullness, tightness, or indentations from your clothing and at the first signs ask for a referral to a Lymphedema therapist.

Jennifer: Early detection and treatment has made a world of difference for me. I will always be grateful to a visiting nurse who checked on me after my double mastectomies. Well before I had any Lymphedema symptoms, the nurse told me to consult with a certified Lymphedema therapist as soon as possible, so they could measure my left arm to get a baseline measurement, to be checked for any signs of Lymphedema, and for me to learn about the symptoms. I had been told that my chances of getting Lymphedema were unlikely. We now know that was incorrect information – because I had all the left axillary lymph nodes removed, and chemo, radiation and reconstruction surgery, I actually was at high risk of developing Lymphedema.

Because I was able to consult with Teresa before I ever had any symptoms, I was able to learn about Lymphedema, and the signs to look out for. I became a regular patient of Teresa’s, who gave me important advice and care. When Lymphedema symptoms arose following my reconstruction surgery, I knew right away what was happening, and I was able to start treatment right away. I’ve been able to keep my Lymphedema under good control. It has not stopped me from doing things that I want to do.

As a result of my own personal experience, I believe that early detection and treatment would help prevent unnecessary pain and suffering, and also prevent the additional, expensive costs of medical treatment and hospitalization.
If it were up to me, every person who undergoes any type of surgery or who experiences physical trauma to the body would be referred to a certified Lymphedema therapist, for an initial examination to check for signs of Lymphedema, and also for patient education about what to look out for.

Is Lymphedema really such a big deal?

Teresa: Yes, it is a very big deal. Lymphedema is an incurable and potentially life-threatening disease. Left unmanaged and uncontrolled, Lymphedema can permanently damage the lymphatic vessels, which can lead to health complications such as cellulitis infections, pain and suffering, amputation, and sepsis; repeated hospitalizations, and possible death. Each repeated bout with cellulitis infections increases the risk of permanent damage to the immune system, making the person more vulnerable to other life-threatening illnesses.
Unmanaged Lymphedema has resulted in several of my patients having severe cellulitis infections requiring hospitalization for 5-7 days, increased size of involved extremities to be more than double the size of their non-involved limb, and extensive skin changes/fibrosis.

Jennifer: I’ve never had to be hospitalized for Lymphedema, but, there were years when I had multiple cellulitis infections, and that was very scary. I’d have a very high fever, flu-like symptoms, and my arm would swell up and be hot (from the infection), and I’d develop a rash. Each time I had a cellulitis infection, I was afraid that permanent damage would be done to my lymphatic vessels, and that I might develop sepsis. I remember a woman who had Lymphedema told me that she had been hospitalized numerous times for cellulitis infections, and each time she was wheeled into the hospital, she was afraid she was going to die there.

Can I have a normal life?

Yes! Lymphedema is a manageable condition. You can lead a fulfilling life by making modifications to keep your Lymphedema in check. It’s a ‘new normal’. Surrounding yourself with supportive family, friends, and medical providers is essential (physician, nurse practitioner, Lymphedema therapist, and holistic providers).
Teresa: At one of the most inspiring conferences I attended, I had the opportunity to listen to keynote speaker Deborah Cordner Carson tell her story of managing her Lymphedema and participating at a high level of CrossFit. Check out her story from 2012, A Lymphedema diagnosis can be disheartening and make you feel like the world is caving in on you, but keep on going, and researching ways to manage your symptoms to return to the things that your love.

Jennifer: I encourage my fellow survivors to keep hope alive. Try activities you enjoyed before your diagnosis. My surgeries and cancer treatments had left me very weak. So I signed up for the LiveStrong program at my local Y. Then I returned to ballet classes, tennis, and gardening. And walks with my daughter along the river. Don’t be afraid to try. If something doesn’t work out, that’s okay – look for something else, and keep looking until you find the activity that’s right for you. The key is to keep on moving, and moving forward.

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1. Lymphedema Education and Research Network. (2019). Ten Things Ovarian Cancer Flyer [pdf]. Retrieved from
2. Ridner, S. (2013). Pathophysiology of Lymphedema. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 29(1), 4-11.
3. Foldi, M., Foldi, E., & Kubik, S. ed. (2003) Textbook of Lymphology for Physicians and Lymphedema Therapist. Germany: Urban Fischer
3a. Schulze, H., Nacke, M., Gutenbrunner, C., Hadamitzky, C., Worldwide assessment of healthcare personnel dealing with lymphoedema.
4. Lymphedema Treatment Act. (2017). Lymphedema Not One Disease [pdf]. Retrieved from
5. Ayre, K., & Parker, C. (2019). Lymphedema after treatment of breast cancer: a comprehensive review. Journal of Unexplored Medical Data, 4:5.
6. Petrek, J. A., Senie, R. T., Peters, M., & Rosen, P. P. (2001). Lymphedema in a cohort of breast carcinoma survivors 20 years after diagnosis. Cancer, 92, 1368-1377.<1368::aid-cncr1459>;2-9.
7. McLaughlin, S., Wright, M., Morris, K., Giron, G., Sampson, M., Brockway, J. & VanZee, K. (2008). Prevalence of Lymphedema in women with breast cancer 5 years after sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary dissection: objective measurements. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26(32), 5213-5219.

]]> 2017-01-25T10:56:00-05:00 2024-06-29T01:10:19-04:00 Custom Compression For Kids! Catie Bright Life More

Custom compression garments can be made for people of all shapes and sizes, even kids! It can be difficult to find great compression clothing for kids, especially when it comes to comfort and the fit. Luckily, we’ve found some great options and an awesome story that will give you hope. That being said, meet Lucia.

A popular lymphedema blog, Little Miss Lucia’s Lymphoedema Life, shares the life of Lucia, a young girl diagnosed with Primary Lymphedema. This is a rare condition that is characterized by chronic swelling. Manual Lymphatic Drainage and regularly wearing compression stockings help to manage lymphedema symptoms. While there are plenty of compression stocking brands on the market, nearly all of them are targeted at adults – not children. Though size might be the first problem you think of when buying an adult product for a child, getting a fabric and style that is comfortable for a young person to wear is also a huge issue.

In a touching blog post, we learned about Lucia heading back to school, happily and in style. She was surprised with colorful custom compression stockings made for children that perfectly matched her school uniform! These flashy red compression stockings are custom-made by Juzo to Lucia’s measurements and provide the medical compression she needs. Most importantly, these custom stockings are comfortable for her to wear and allow Lucia to attend school with her brother, Max. For children who need custom compression garments, Juzo offers a variety of colorful options in high compression levels.

Juzo also makes flat knit compression garments for children, including armsleeves! If your child experiences arm swelling from lymphedema in the upper extremity, armsleeves, gauntlets and gloves can help to manage their condition.

More options for kids? Therafirm offers SmartKnit Kids, a line of ready-to-wear socks, compression shirts and more, for children experiencing sensory processing differences. These innovative garments are made with a moisture-wicking fabric to keep your child dry, comfortable, and healthy. Therafirm offers comfortable, healthy clothing for kids, including seamless socks that don’t hurt sensitive feet! Therafirm’s SmartKnit Kids collection offers great, comfortable options for your kids.

The cost of compression garments for kids can be really expensive, especially if a custom garment is required. Luckily, Brylan’s Feat Foundation helps to give children access to the compression garments they need in order to effectively manage lymphedema.

Many brands like Juzo offer custom compression socks for children and adults. If you’re in the market for adult custom compression garments, give us a call at (+31)262843975.

